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A woman getting spa treatment

Massage Therapy

Indulge in a tailored massage experience designed to meet your individual needs and preferences. With a focus on restoring balance, invigorating your senses, and soothing both body and mind, each session is crafted to release physical and emotional tensions held within the body.
Using individually blended warm aromatherapy oils, long flowing movements and targeted deep tissue techniques, I provide a space for you to let go of the stresses of daily life and completely relax. Beyond its physical benefits, massage therapy offers a profound opportunity for mental calmness and relaxation, nurturing the nervous system and promoting overall wellness.
Through the power of mindful touch, you'll experience deep care and attention, allowing you to reconnect with yourself and remember that you are deserving of self-care and rejuvenation. Allow yourself to surrender to the therapeutic journey and discover the transformative effects of massage therapy on both body and mind.

Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage

30 Mins - £35

A short treatment to help release the tension so many of us hold up in the neck and shoulders, and through the lower back.


Back of Body Massage

45 Mins - £40

Includes all the benefits of the back, neck and shoulder massage, along with the back of the legs, all the way down to the often overlooked hardworking feet. 


Back & Legs Massage

60 Mins - £45

A great option for an 'almost full body' treatment if you are short on time. Includes the back, neck & shoulders, along with both the back and front of the legs, including a bit of love for those tired feet.


Upper body and Head Massage

60 Mins - £45

If you feel achy or restricted around your neck and shoulders, and especially if you suffer with tension headaches, this is a great option. This treatment includes a full back, neck & shoulder massage, arms and hands, and finishes with a deeply relaxing scalp and face massage.


Full Body Massage

90 Mins - £65

This treatment gives you the time and space to fully relax, and leaves you feeling truly cared for from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. It includes the back and shoulders, front and back of legs including the feet, arms and hands, and finishes with some releasing work to the neck, pulling up through the scalp. A very popular choice.


Full body and Head Massage

105 Mins - £75

The ultimate indulgent experience!

All the benefits of the full body massage, finished with a full scalp and face massage. This treatment leaves you feeling like you've just melted into the bed. Utter Bliss!

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